本文简介:The waiting list for the new Bing AI opened up last week, and a million people signed up in less than 48 hours, definitely speaking to the anticipation and growing demand surrounding the artificial

The waiting list for the new Bing AI opened up last week, and a million people signed up in less than 48 hours, definitely speaking to the anticipation and growing demand surrounding the artificial intelligence-powered search engine. In our own hands on with the ChatGPT-powered Bing we got to experience the immense potential of the search engine and had a lot of fun with it, but as time has gone on Bing has had a few problems, and even tantrums

Of course with that many people waiting in line, there's definitely going to be a few delays ‘unlocking’ it for many eager users on the waiting list. So, what exactly is causing the long wait? And what could you do to cut own your own wait time?

The company will be prioritizing people with Bing as the default search engine and Microsoft Edge as their default browser, and on mobile priority will be given to those with the Bing mobile app installed (which explains why Bing briefly rose to the top of the App Store around time of launch last week). 

Hey all! There have been a few questions about our waitlist to try the new Bing, so here’s a reminder about the process:We’re currently in Limited Preview so that we can test, learn, and improve. We’re slowly scaling people off the waitlist daily.If you’re on the waitlist,… https://t.co/06PcyYE6gw pic.twitter.com/Lf3XkuZX2iFebruary 15, 2023

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Good things come to those who wait

Yusuf Mehdi, the head of consumer marketing at Microsoft put out a tweet assuring people that they’ll have a chance to try the new Bing soon. “If you’re on the waitlist, hang tight,” says Yusuf, adding that “we intend to scale to millions of people beginning in the coming weeks. We’re only one week in!” So, if you’re still waiting, you at least now know the aspirational timeline Microsoft has in place. 

Mehdi说,如果你是Chrome的忠实用户,仍然想尝试一下新的必应,别担心,因为微软计划在自己的Edge浏览器之外进行扩展。事实上,Edge现在基于与Chrome相同的Chromium引擎,这意味着整合相对来说没有什么痛苦。数以百万计的人等待着进入,还有更多的发现 打破它的不同方法因此,微软不想急于推出新的必应也就说得通了。 


谷歌对基于chatgpt的新必应的回应,谷歌吟游诗人, 现在很忙吗 试图解决问题和解决问题,突然出现后,它的发布。这些新的人工智能搜索引擎的成功取决于它们的准确性。如果他们带回了不正确的信息——或者更糟的是,开始使用攻击性语言——那么这项新技术可能在它起飞之前就已经死了。通过花时间确保新的必应尽可能地好,微软希望能够展示人工智能搜索的全部潜力,为此,我愿意等待。
