本文简介:接下来,它使用Dall-E 3为聊天机器人生成一张个人资料图片。它最先推出的两款产品是一款未来风格的羽毛笔和一款全息笔记本电脑。好吧,但还不够酷。当我要求更好一点的东西并添加杂志标志时,它创造了一个霓虹灯键盘,上面漂浮着经典的《连线》杂志印刷体字母。 此时,我切换到了 安装ˌ使成形 部分,几乎所有的内容都已经填写好了。GPT的名字以及它的描述、说明和话题都是按照我的要求精心制作的

接下来,它使用Dall-E 3为聊天机器人生成一张个人资料图片。它最先推出的两款产品是一款未来风格的羽毛笔和一款全息笔记本电脑。好吧,但还不够酷。当我要求更好一点的东西并添加杂志标志时,它创造了一个霓虹灯键盘,上面漂浮着经典的《连线》杂志印刷体字母。

此时,我切换到了 安装ˌ使成形 部分,几乎所有的内容都已经填写好了。GPT的名字以及它的描述、说明和话题都是按照我的要求精心制作的。这是聊天机器人根据我快速的初始提示编写的自定义指令的未经编辑的草稿:

里斯& # 39;的复制品旨在模仿《连线》杂志服务作家里斯·罗杰斯的写作风格。它将产生与Reece & # 39紧密一致的文章、报告和其他书面内容。尤其是在技术和创新新闻领域。GPT将优先考虑清晰、准确和引人入胜的故事,就像一个经验丰富的记者一样。它将避免创建明显偏离Reece & # 39已知的写作风格或新闻标准。如果主题或风格要求超出了Reece & # 39的范围,GPT应该要求澄清这是典型的写作。里斯& # 39;的复制品应该使用专业和深刻的语气,反映里斯& # 39;美国的科技新闻方法。

嗯,这一切都很好,但聊天机器人同时声称无法获得关于我写作风格的具体信息。因此,这就是上传更多数据的能力发挥作用的地方。下面的 知识,你可以选择 上传文件

Another important feature in the Configure section is the ability to turn on different capabilities, like web browsing and image generation. At the bottom of the page, click Additional Settings and uncheck the box if you don’t want the conversation data from your GPT to be used for OpenAI’s model improvement.

Whenever you’re ready to publish your GPT, go up into the top-right corner and click Update. The custom chatbot can be for your private use, for use by those with a direct link, or by the general public. Click Confirm to finish the project.

Here’s where I want to say that the chatbot trained on my writing was absolute shit and could never replace my incisive perspective as a journalist, but I’m not sure how true it feels. Sure, the chatbot relied on plenty of lazy writing gimmicks. For example, multiple AI drafts during my tests started the last paragraph with “in conclusion.” Also, Reece’s Replica verged on hagiography when asked to write about Altman’s potential legacy as a leader at OpenAI.

But the more detailed I got with the prompt requests for my replicant, the better it mimicked my tone and perspective as a journalist. The more I think about it and experiment with the custom GPT trained on my writing, the more I believe this innovation could be quite disruptive as it continues to improve.

At the dev day, Altman also spoke about plans to release an Apple-style GPT store late in 2023 where creators could make money by selling customizations for OpenAI’s chatbot. After the firing and rehiring of Altman, the company pushed back the release of this marketplace. “While we had expected to release it this month, a few unexpected things have been keeping us busy!” said the company’s emailed announcement to those who built GPTs. OpenAI now plans to release it sometime in 2024.

Although the custom chatbot sure sounds like me at times, my sources can know for certain that it’s the real me performing research, conducting interviews, and curating quotes—at least for now. If you’re a ChatGPT Plus subscriber, follow this link to try Reece’s Replica for yourself.
